Does KFC Use Chicken TOO OLD And STALE To Give To Homeless Shelters?

First, I must address my sheer horror that companies would try to give HUMAN BEINGS, disgusting and horrible food, just because they are without a place to live. EVERYONE deserve quality, healthy and nutritious food despite their socio-economic status or living situation!!!!! 

In Huffington Post article that I would like to call " Confessions Of A Fast Food Worker", it is alleged that KFC's BBQ sandwiches are made from chicken too old and stale to give to homeless shelter. The former KFC employee confesses:

"Worked at KFC for ~4 years. The BBQ sandwich is actually made from chicken too old and stale to give to the homeless shelters, so they soak it in BBQ sauce until it can be pulled and then they keep it on the heater for a month.

I wish that I could go undercover at KFC to investigate whether this is true. I am sure that month old chicken contributes to a number of digestive problems......


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