Kale Vs Collard Greens: Which is The Most Nutritious?

Kale is the super trendy staple of vegan, vegetarian and even carnivore tribes. It is praised as the almighty, supreme super-food. Kale is pretty awesome but there are other great veggies that are being ignored.

I recently needed to increase my calcium intake. I went on a quest, seriously, to find vegetables high in calcium. I learned that Collard Greens have more calcium, protein, iron and fiber than Kale.

I am working to incorporate more Collard Greens into my diet. I am starting with Collard Green smoothies then maybe a Collard Green entree. I grew up eating Collard Greens and I look forward to embarking on a journey with this vintage delicatessen. 

All hail the Collard Green!
